
When it’s time to say goodbye, we’re here. Our experienced Ivanhoe Funeral Directors will help you tell your loved one’s story and celebrate their life with a personalised funeral service.


Call us if you need help arranging a funeral.

Funeral home details

81 Upper Heidelberg Road
Ivanhoe VIC 3079
View in Google Maps

24/7 Phone
(03) 9499 3191

Contact an arranger

Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat-Sun: by appointment

Our Facilities
• Chapel - Seats 100 guests with additional standing room for 60 people
• Parking - 25 onsite parking spots, enter via Kenilworth Parade
• Refreshment area
• Viewing room
• Audio-visual equipment
• Wheelchair and other mobility aid accessible

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Our People: Paul Newman

Paul has been working in the funeral industry since 1989 and has led the team at Le Pine Funerals Burwood for over 3 years.

"I am blessed to be able to assist our families during such a difficult time. My job is to ensure that all their needs and expectations are fulfilled. I enjoy working with the most amazing team members."

We were more than satisfied with the caring attention we received at a difficult time from Paul Newman and his team at Ivanhoe. The explanations, facilities, options and services provided were all thorough and well presented, gave us immediate confidence in their professionalism and allowed us the greatest relief to know that we could have the time we needed to do real justice to Mum’s life in a manner that she both earned and deserved.

L Sargent

Get in touch

We’re here if you have any questions or need help planning a funeral. Let us know how best to contact you and one of our friendly Ivanhoe Funeral Directors will be in touch soon.

By clicking send you agree to our privacy policy.

Funeral services in Ivanhoe

Le Pine Funerals can help arrange a meaningful service that reflects your loved one’s wishes. Join us in our modern 100-seat chapel, or choose from a range of local options:

Useful articles

The days after the passing of a loved one can be filled with uncertainty. Our collection of articles can help you find the information and support you need.