Funeral services in Camberwell

Tell your loved one’s story exactly as they would have wanted, in their neighbourhood. Our Camberwell team is here to help you plan a personalised service that’s as unique as your loved one.


Call us if you need help arranging a funeral.

Funeral home details

Shop 5, 555 Riversdale Road
Camberwell VIC 3124
View in Google Maps

24/7 Phone
(03) 9882 2321

Contact an arranger

Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sat-Sun: by appointment

Our Facilities
• Arrangement room

Download funeral costs

Our People: Amy Pixton

Amy has been a funeral director for over 7 years and says she could not do any other career. “Assisting community members in their time of need and ensuring their time with us exceeds their expectations is my daily motivation.”

She arranged a funeral at the Montsalvat in Eltham. “The wife of the deceased wore her wedding suit and played their wedding love songs to end the service. The two sons danced with their elderly mother to the song the couple danced to on their wedding day. There was not a dry eye at the service.”

I felt the staff were kind, thoughtful and very helpful. They went beyond what service I thought I would be entitled to and I am very grateful.

Y Swanston

Get in touch

We’re here if you have any questions or need help planning a funeral. Let us know how best to contact you and one of our friendly Camberwell Funeral Directors will be in touch soon.

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Funeral services in Camberwell

Le Pine Funerals can help you plan a personalised funeral service they’d be proud of. We’ll work with you to find a venue that feels right, starting with these local options:

Useful articles

The days after the passing of a loved one can be filled with uncertainty. Our collection of articles can help you find the information and support you need.